Monday, February 7, 2011

Getting you up to speed - Training

We have had very focused training. Our usual training hill at Jiminy Peak, Whirlaway is very steep so we sometimes train on the Ace of Spades for some more mild terrain.

Nic, after a day of training on the Ace - John is behind him with the gates.

Alex (boy freshman #1), more commonly known as Jerry shows off his guns with this large bundle of gates.

It appears that John (boy freshman #2) is holding a smaller bundle than Jerry.
However, it is a well-known fact that John has managed to carry a 45 gate bundle so I guess he was letting Jerry work on his muscles, as John's are already huge.

Senior captains, Annie and Jeff let the freshman do the heavy lifting while they take some chill time on a pile of fencing.

However, sometimes Whirlaway provides just the training we need. It is one of my favorite trails so I am always in support of training there. We have had more perfect days of training this year than I ever remember - good, hard snow day after day, despite all of the powder we have been getting. There seems to always be a great layer right underneath the new snow.

Laurel and Geordie shredding one afternoon on Whirlaway.

A guys' afternoon training session.

1 comment:

  1. An efficient speed training program should focus on coaching athletes how to move professionally and also enhance the amount of force they are proficient to put into the ground throughout this movement.

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